
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 高中教師管理心態﹑學生內外控信念與學生學習習慣與態度關係之研究
卷期 15
作者 秦夢群
頁次 129-171
出刊日期 199208


本研究的主要目的在探討(1)高中明星學校和一般學校的學生在教師管理心態,內外控信念,和學習習慣與態度上是否有顯著差異。(2)高中男生與女生在內外控信念、學習習慣與態度上是否有顯著差異?(3)教師管理心態、學生內外控信念,對於學生的學習習慣之態度彼此之間是否有交互作用。本研究樣本為十六所國內高中,分為明星學校(聯考前三志願)與一般學校兩組。各為八校,明星學校抽取人,非明星學校為768人,共計樣本數為1601人。研究工具包括(1)修定後之「教師管理心態量表」,(2)修訂後之「包何二氏學習習慣與態度量表」,與(3)「諾史二氏內外控量表」。 本研究主要發現如下:(1)在教師管理心態方面,男生認為較趨向監護型,女生認為較趨向人文型。一般學校學生認為較監護,明星學則較人文。(2)在內外控信念上,男女生之間並無差異。明星學校學生發現較為外控,與國外研究內控成就較佳的結論相異。(3)在學習習慣上,明星學校學生在考試知能、學習計畫上明顯優於非明星學校;但在學習專注力、學習興趣上並無差異。(4)教師管理心態、學生內外控兩者在學生學習習慣與態度上並無交互作用。以往認為外控學生因較順服環境因素,而較習慣於監護型教師的說法並未被證實。然而就全體學生而言,人文型教師的班級學生在學習專注力、學習興趣、與學習計畫上均比監護型教師的班級學生要差,值得有關單位注意。此外外控學生也被發現在學習專注力、學習興趣上的比內控者要好,但在學習計畫上則較差。


The major purposes of this study were(1)to investigate the interactive relationship between pupil control ideology and locus of control in terms of students’ study habits and attitudes.(2)to investigate whether or not there were differences between students from elite high schools and ordinary high schools in terms of pupil control ideology and students’degree of locus of control. Participants in the study were 1601 students from two types of high schools ─ the elite high school(the top three high schools of each school district)and the ordinary high school. Responses were obtained from the Pupil Control Ideology Form, Nowichi-Strickland Locus of Control Scale, and Brown- Holtzman Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes. Four factors implicated in students’study habits and attitudes were investigated:study attention, study interest, test intellectuality, and study plan. It was hypothesized that students with external locus of control would be more accustomed to custodial pupil control orientation and those with internal locus of control would prefer a humanistic orientation. The major findings of the study are as following:(1)It was found that male high school students flet their class teachers to be more custodial than female students did the same situation was found from students of both ordinary high schools than those of elite high schools. (2)It was found that there was no significant difference between male and female students in terms of locus of control. Surprisingly, students from elite schools tended to have a more external locus of control than their counterparts, at ordinary high schools. (3)It was found that students from elite schools had better study habits and attitudes for two of the four factors:test intellectuality and study plan. (4)It was found that there was no interactive relationship between pupil control ideology and students’ locus of control regarding students’ study habits and attitudes. It was indicated that, in terms of study habits and attitudes, students with different degrees of locus of control didn’t have a preference for specific pupil control ideology.

