
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 「批判思考教學師資培訓」模式之探討
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 A Study of Models for
作者 葉玉珠
頁次 307-332
關鍵字 批判思考教學師資培訓專業知識個人教學效能教學行為Critical-thinking instructionTeacher trainingProfessional knowledgePersonal teaching efficacyTeaching behaviorTSSCI
出刊日期 199812


為瞭解臺灣地區國民中學特殊教育資源分配之現況,本研究以臺灣地區二十三縣市官方統計資料為分析對象,進行實證分析。所使用之統計方法,除了九個公平量數外,尚包括集群分析、區別分析、單因子變異數分析及Bowker’s 對稱性卡方考驗等方法。研究結果如下:一、各縣市國民中學特殊教育資源分配現況具有不同之類型,且縣市六年間在特殊教育資源分配呈現相當穩定之狀態。二、國民中學特殊教育資源分配確實不符合水平公平之精神,且不公平的程度因特殊教育資源指標與公平量數之不同 而有所差異。三、各縣市國民中學特殊教育資源分配之現況,並不符合教育機會均等之精神。最後分別就教育行政機關與後續研究二方面提出建議。


The major purposes of this study were to find out the “best-fit ” model for teacher-training in critical-thinking instruction and, accordingly, suggest an effective training model for critical-thinking instruction. Seventy-five preservice teachers participated In this study. The employed instruments were a computer-simulation program and two Likert-type questionnaires. The applied analyses included descriptive analysis, Hotelling’s T2, and Structural Equations Modeling(SEM). The major findings revealed that (a)an effective program for teacher training in critical-thinking instruction involves at least four factors:training-involvement level, professional knowledge, personal teaching efficacy, and teaching behavior related to critical-thinking;(b)the preservice teachers’ “training-involvement level” directly influenced their improvement in professional knowledge and teaching behavior, but indirectly enhanced their personal teaching efficacy for critical thinking;(c)the preservice teachers’ change in personal teaching efficacy was a mediator of their change in professional knowledge and teaching behavior during critical-thinking instruction.
