
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 人際親疏與團體目標設定對團體中個人工作及團體工作努力分配的影響
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 The Effects of Interpersonal Relationship and Goal Setting Condition on Effort Distribution between Individual Tasks and Group Tasks
作者 王榮春陳彰儀
頁次 331-354
關鍵字 目標設定人際親疏努力分配個人工作團體工作Interpersonad relation shipGoal settingEffort distributionIndividual taskGroup taskTSSCI
出刊日期 199712




In this study, the experimenter informed the subjects to perform two tasks at the same time, one was an individual task, the other was a group task. The purposes of this study were (1) to investigate how subjects distributed their effort between group tasks and individual tasks in a limited amount of time, and (2) to investigate the effects of interpersonal relationships(familiar vs. unfamiliar )and goal setting condition(no group goal vs. assigned group goal vs. participated group goal)on effort distribution between individual tasks and group tasks. It was found that (1) subjects distributed more efforts to individual tasks than to group tasks, and (2)familiar group subjects distributed more effort to group tasks than unfamiliar group subjects, and (3)assigned group goal and participated group goal subjects distributed more efforts to group tasks than no group goal subjects. The implication of these findings for goal setting theory and interpersonal theory was discussed.
