
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 臺北市單親家庭青少年生活壓力、福利服務介入與其心理健康之研究
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 A Study of Adolescent Life Stress, Intervention of Welfare Services and Psychological Well-Being for Single-Parent Families in Taipei Municipal City
作者 郭至豪郭靜晃
頁次 243-269
關鍵字 激勵模式教學效能Models of motivationInstruction efficiencyTSSCI
出刊日期 199712


生活壓力與心理健康有著密不可分的關係,而單視家庭青少年不但需要面對青春期身心的急遽變化,同時亦需面對家庭結構不完整所帶來的影響,其感受到的壓力較一般青少年為大。福利服務是近年來熱門的話題,也是過去較少被注意的議題,因此本研究以福利服務為中介變項來了解其在生活壓力與心理健康間所扮演的角色。 本研究以立意取方式,抽取臺北市22所國中636位單親學生,從其中篩選出242位符合研究條件之單親學生為本研究之正式樣本。經適當之統計程序後結果如下: 1. 不同性別、家庭社經地位、形成單親原因之單親青少年在生活壓力上有顯著差異。 2.不同性別、年級、家庭社經地位、形成單親原因之單親青少年在福利服務介入程度上有顯著差異。 3. 不同性別、年級之單親青少年在心理健康上有顯著差異。 4. 生活壓力與心理健康有負相關存在;福利服務介入程度與心理健康有正相關存在。 5.個人心理壓力、自我∕人際功效、學校課業壓力、與人際關係壓力可有效預測心理健康達50.39%。 6. 福利服務介入可調節生活壓力與心理健康間之關係。 7. 生活壓力之高低是否影響心理健康視福利服務之介入程度而定。


There are somewhat inseparable relationships existing between life stress and mental health. The adolescents form single-parent families not only have to face sudden physical and mental changes during their adolescence but also have to face the influences of a incomplete family structure. Hence, the stress they feel is greater than that which the adolescents from intact families feel. Welfare delivery services have been a popular topic in recent years, but it has also been an issue seldom discussed in the past. Therefore, this research took welfare delivery services as an intermediary variable to understand the role it plays to intervene between life stress and mental health which adolescents from single-parent families feel. This research adapted a purposive sampling method, selecting 636 students who came from single-parent families out of 22 junior high schools in Taipei Municipal City, then sifted 242 adolescents from single-parent families who matched the requirements of this research as formal samples. Through proper statistical procedures, the results and findings are as follows: 1. There are significant differences existing among adolescents from single-parent families upon life stress regarding gender, socio-economic status, and origins formed as the single-parent families. 2. There are significant differences existing among adolescents from single-parent families upon the degree of the intervention of welfare delivery services regarding gender, grade level, socio-economic status, and origins formed as the single-parent families. 3. There are significant differences existing among adolescents from single-parent families upon mental health regarding their gender, and grade level. 4. There is a negative relationship existing between life stress and mental health. There is a positive relationship between the level of the intervention of welfare delivery services and mental health. 5. Individual psychological stress, self interpersonal evaluation, schoolwork stress, and interpersonal relationship stress can predict 50.39% variance overall mental health. 6. The intervention of welfare delivery services can moderate the relationship between life stress and mental health. 7. Whether the level of life stress will effect mental health or not depends on the degree of the intervention of welfare delivery service.
