
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 科學-技術-社會(STS)的「道德與公民」課程
卷期 42
並列篇名 Moral and Citizenship Education : The STS Approach
作者 吳璧純
頁次 79-95
關鍵字 道德教育公民教育STSMoral EducationCitizenship educationTSSCI
出刊日期 199901




The purpose of this article is to propose an alternative approach toward moral and citizenship education. The approach is named “STS” moral and citizenship education, which is derived from science education. STS (Science/Technology/Society) in science education provides broader and deeper educational aims of the science education than those of the traditional one. STS also provides several teaching and learning strategies, which make science education progressive. However, owing to the “science-centered” STS education, the aims in STS science education regarding ethical issues, decision-making, and social action are not easy to achieve. Therefore, after exploring what STS is, and discussing what should moral and citizenship education be, STS' moral and citizenship education is proposed.
