
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 美國教育學院歷史發展之探究
卷期 40
並列篇名 The Historical Development of SCDEs in the U.S.A.
作者 黃嘉莉
頁次 207-230
關鍵字 美國教育學院師資培育U.S.A.SCDEsSchools of educationColleges of educationDepartments of educationTeacher educationTSSCI
出刊日期 199801




With the multi-approaches of teacher education in Taiwan, attention should be given to problems which may occur during its historical development. This article aims to study the problems encountered in the historical development of the SCDEs in the U.S.A. In social and academic factors, the status of teacher and teachers education in the U.S.A. has been depressed. Furthermore, the public doubt concerning education and the arrange meat of curriculum models in teacher education, undermine and result in social and academic arguments. This study aims to explore the problems and provides reference for teacher educations in Taiwan.
