
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 我國資優教育師資的問題及改進芻議
卷期 38
並列篇名 Teacher Issues in the R.O.C.'s Gifted Education and Their Solutions
作者 王文科
頁次 23-45
關鍵字 資優教育師資職前培訓課程在職進修課程Teacher of gifted educationCurriculum for pre-service educationCurriculum for in-service educationTSSCI
出刊日期 199706




The success or failure of gifted education relies heavily on the balancing of the demand and supply of qualified teachers and on whether their quality has been promoted. In order to explore into the status quo of the quantity of current qualified teachers in gifted education and their quality, the present study, basing upon analyses of numerical data and theoretical assumptions, aims to examine the issues relevant to current teacher qualifications in gifted education from three dimensions:the ratio of qualified teachers in gifted education, the legal regulations of qualified teacher certification and requirements of professional gifted education courses, and the arrangement of in-service trainings for qualified teachers in gifted education. Recommendations for solving these problems are suggested.
