
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 家庭環境變項、認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解能力之關係分析
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Relationship between Family Surroundings, Word Recognition, Semantic Distinction and Reading Comprehension
作者 吳宜貞黃秀霜
頁次 357-379
關鍵字 家庭環境認字語意區辨閱讀理解Family surroundingsWord recognitionSemantic distinctionReading comprehensionTSSCI
出刊日期 199812


本研究之目的係計對瞭解兒童辨識文字的能力和閱讀理解之相關後,進一步對影響個人認字、閱讀理解能力之相關家庭環境因素作一探討。研究的相關焦點為討論家庭環境變項、認字能力、語意區辨以及閱讀理解之關係分析。本研究以台南縣、高雄市之國民小學進行抽樣,共計16所,再抽取五年級男生267人,女生244人,共計511人作為研究對象,使用之研究工具包括:瑞文式標準圖形推理測驗(俞筱鈞,民82)、中文年級認字量表(黃秀霜,民87)、以及研究者自編之「國小高年級閱讀理解測」、「語意區辨測驗」和「家庭環境變項調查表」。所得研究結果如下:一、家庭環境變項、認字與閱讀理解間之關係分析 1.「認字能力」、「語意區辨」以及「閱讀氣氛和習慣」分量表在城鄉上有顯著差異存在(F = 4.10、11.08、9.36,p<.05)。2.「閱讀氣氛和習慣」、「父母關心孩子學業和期望」和認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解間有顯著相關存在(r = .2262、.2381、.1846;.1293、.2134、.1665、p<.05)。3.「閱讀氣氛和習慣」與認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解間,台南縣或高雄市皆有顯著之相關存在。4.在「「父母關心孩子學業和期望」量表上,不論在台南縣或高雄市上與語意區辨或閱讀理解上皆有顯著相關存在,但在與認字能力之相關上,只有高雄市有顯著相關存在,台南縣則無顯著相關存在。5.認字、語意區辨及閱讀理解三者間不論在全體或城鄉上皆有顯著之相關存在,此結果和拼音文字相一致。台南縣家庭環境變項間之關係較高雄市來得密切(z = 6.226、2.475、5.235,p<.05)。二、家庭環境變項對認字能力以及家庭環境變項、智商、認字能力對語意區辨、閱讀理解能力之預測分析 1.在家庭環境變項對認字能力之預測分析上,以「閱讀氣氛和習慣」分量表最重要。2.在家庭環境變項、智商、認字能力對語意區辨、閱讀理解能力之預測分析上,研究結果發現「父母關心孩子的學業和期望」、「智商」與認字能力三個變項最為重要。本研究希望提供家長在瞭解孩童認字以及閱讀能力之餘,能進一步瞭解影響到孩子閱讀能力的一些相關家庭環境變項因素,以供改善之參考。


The aim of this research was to explore the relationship between word recognition and reading comprehension. Moreover, related factors, such as family surroundings, were investigated in the study. The research sampled 16 elementary schools of Tainan County and the city of Kaoshiung. The subjects in this study included 267 boys and 244 girls. There were 5 different test materials:Raven’s Progressive Matrices(SPM), the Graded Chinese Characters Recognition Test, Reading Comprehension Test, Semantic Distinction Test and Family Surroundings Inventory. The results of this study are as follows:1. The relationship between family surroundings, semantic distinction and reading comprehension:(1)There were significant differences on 「the ability of word recognition」、「the semantic distinction」、「the atmosphere and habits of recognition」subscale between the city and the county.(2)「The atmosphere and habits of reading」、「The parents caring about children’s academic achievement and their expectations」 were significantly related to 「word recognition」and 「the semantic distinction」(r=.2262、.2381、.1846;.1239、.2134、.1665,p<.05).(3)「The atmosphere and habits of reading」had significant a relationship with 「word recognition」、「semantic distinction」and 「reading comprehension」for Tainan County and the city of Kaoshiung.(4)The correlation between 「the parents caring about children’s academic achievement and their expectations」、「semantic distinction」and 「reading comprehension」was significant for Tainan County and the City of Kaoshiung. However, the relationship between 「the parents caring about children’s academic achievement and their expectations」subscale and 「the ability of word recognition」was significant only for the city of Kaoshiung, not for Tainan County. (5)Significant relationships existed between 「the ability of word recognition」、「semantic distinction」and 「reading comprehension」 for the city and the country. The results were consistent with the findings in alphabetic writing systems. (6)The relationship between the variables of the family surroundings for Tainan County is much closer than that for the city of Kaoshiung(z = 6.226、2.475、5.235,p<.05). 2.The predictive analysis on word recognition ability and on reading comprehension ability:(1)Among family surroundings variables, 「the atmosphere and habits of reading」subscale significantly predicted the ability of word recognition.(2)Among family surroundings variables、IQ、the ability of word recognition, 「the parents caring about children’s academic achievement and their expectations」subscale、IQ, and the ability of word recognition were significant predictors for the ability of reading comprehension and semantic distinction.
