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篇名 法英兩國第三年齡大學之實施型態之比較分析
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Comparative Analysis of Practice Patterns of the University of the Third Age in France and in the UK
作者 李素端
頁次 1-28
關鍵字 高齡者第三年齡第三年齡大學The eldersThe third ageThe university of the third ageU3A
出刊日期 200606




As the elders' population increases and their long life, health and educational back-ground are greater than before, those make people think more about their development in the Third Age. Regarding the most famous elders' educational activities of all, the Universities of the Third Age (U3A) in France and in the United Kingdom are very important practices on them. Regretfully, there aren't too many editorials about the two models. Therefore, the researcher adopts documental analysis and comparative analysis methods. Explore deeply about the educational practices on the U3A in France and in the United Kingdom. Firstly, expound the origins and the developmental histories of the U3As of the both. Secondly, explain the practice patterns of the both, and discuss the differences on the backgrounds where the U3A came from, the organizational styles, the sources of the teachers, the members participating in the institutions, the funding, the curriculum, and the credit courses in France and in the United Kingdom. Thirdly, juxtapose the features and the problems of the both. Thirdly, Finally, conclude some implementations applying for the elders' education in Taiwan.As the aging society is coming in Taiwan, the government needs to find some strategies to cope with. Most of all, the elders' education is one of the best way to solve. Either the French model or the British one has its good features and it's hard to tell which is better than the other one. The research just provides us to satisfy the multiple needs of the elders in Taiwan. When the government is developing the elder's education, we should refer to the educational practices of the two models. Besides that, we should develop the elders' education on our own.
