
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 維繫婚姻關係重要因素的成人期差異初探
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 A Preliminary Investigation of Adulthood Differences in Important Elements of Maintaining Marital Relationships
作者 李良哲
頁次 145-160
關鍵字 成人期差異婚姻關係愛情成份Adulthood differencesMarital relationshipsLove componentsTSSCI
出刊日期 199906




On the basis of the heuristics of love components that show a quality change when couples are married longer and the studies that show the results of the dynamic of long─term marriage, this study hypothesized that the important elements of maintaining marital relationships would show adulthood differences. Through interviewing 3 different adulthood subjects with the open question method and subjects rating short scale items, the results shoed that(1)all 3 age groups(young adults, middle─aged adults, and older adults)responded and rated mutual considerateness and tolerance as the most important elements for maintaining marital relationships;(2)all 3 age groups shared the belief that mutual respect, trust, encouragement, concern, understanding, care, and thanksgiving and responsibility were also important elements for maintaining marital relationships;and(3) all 3 age groups rated shared interest, activity, discussion topic, belief and value, and occupied time and personal space as the lease important elements for maintaining marital relationships. Meanwhile, the results also showed that good communication, expression of love, and a satisfying sexual relationship were important for young adults;children’s well─being and responsibility was important for middle─aged adults;and mutual care and thanksgiving, and playing a traditional sex role were important for older adults.
