
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 臺灣省高中高職入學考試採登記分發方式可行性之調查研究
卷期 27
作者 簡茂發
頁次 41-139
出刊日期 198506




The purposes of this study were to examine merits and defects of the registration and distribution system adopted by the entrance examination boards of senior high and vocational schools in Taiwan Province, and to work out the feasible procedures and related measures.
The literature review was used to describe the current status of the entrance examination of senior high and vocational schools in Taiwan Province and to cite scholars’ propositions on how to improve the procedures. The questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the public opinions concerning the feasibility of the registration and distribution system for selecting students to enter senior high and vocational schools.
The main findings of the study were as follows:
1. The majority of teachers, school administrators, and scholars in the fields of education preferred the registration and distribution system to the traditional selection system.
2. The students were in favor of “one─registration and one─distribution”;the teachers, school administrators, and scholars in the field of education held with “multi─registration and multi─distribution”.
3. It was recommended to choose departments rather than to choose schools;it was necessary to set minimum criteria for selecting students to enter senior high and vocational schools.
4. In addition to scores of the entrance examination, students’ scholastic records of junior high schools and the results of aptitude tests should be taken into consideration for selection and placement.

