
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國民小學教育人員校際流動調查研究
卷期 27
作者 姜禮讓
頁次 303-313
出刊日期 198506




Teachers turnover is a phenomenon common at home and abroad. It is also a complicated problem. Too high and too low a turnover rate will result in an adverse effect as well. Inter─school turnover is most common for primary school teachers. There has been an independent transfer and promotion system established by Taiwan Provincial Government for primary school teachers seeking for inter─school transfer, which is applicable to them all. However, the situation and advantages and disadvantages of such turnover are still to be understood. The research is aimed at probing into the actual turnover situation of the primary school teachers in Taiwan and the possible effects of such turnover.
The research is conducted through investigation. Self─made questionnaires are distributed to principals, directors and teachers in all cities and counties of Taiwan totaling 834 persons. The responded copies are 675. Through statistic analysis, the following four conclusions are made:
1.Teachers turnover may be divided into one within educational profession and one outside the scope;the turnover rate may be calculated in terms of average service length, rough turnover rate, steady rate and stay rate;the rate is correlated with the sex, age, service length, service district and school scale;and the cause includes government, social, school and personal factors. It is advisable to keep proper turnover rate.
2. The commuting mileage of the educational personnel of Taiwan primary schools is a potential factor for turnover;the turnover rate is higher in the case of male teachers;the main commuting vehicle is motorcycle;one─third of the teachers are servicing at local country;the most common way for transfer is made through volunteer;educational personnel have rather high satisfaction with the schools they now serve;the cause for transfer is mainly out of traffic reason.
3. Half of the primary school education personnel seeking for transfer are encountered with troubles of one kind or another;the principals doesn’t show positive because of the alternate transfer system applied;the directors doesn’t produce excellent performance because of the stand─by principal screening system;the teachers are affected in their teaching or administrative work because of inter─school transfer.
4. Leas than half of the educational personnel of Taiwan primary schools are satisfied with the existing transfer and promotion system;the will to leave is relatively higher in the case of educational personnel teachers have relatively low wish to get promoted;principals feel the existing alternate transfer system has more advantages than disadvantages, worthy of keeping.
Based on the above conclusions and referring to the opinions of the investigation subjects, the research finally makes the following proposals:
1. On transfer╱promotion system:
The system shall be promoted;the practice be enforced uniformly in both Taiwan Province and Taipei and Kaohsiung Cities;deviation of transfer╱promotion on accumulated credits shall be prevented;and the scope for alternate transfer of teachers shall be enlarged.
2. On transfer╱promotion regulations:
The regulations shall be improved constantly;female transfer priority shall be given more;restrictions on credits for transfer/promotion shall be lifted or liberated;service at local country shall be encouraged;troubles in teachers transfer╱promotion shall be reduced;village teaching facilities shall be improved;age for teachers’ retirement shall be lowered;and rules and procedures for transfer╱promotion between counties and cities shall be coordinated.
3. On transfer╱promotion practice:
Fair alternate transfer for principals shall be enforced;the power for transfer on the principal shall be respected;teachers’ opinions for transfer╱promotion shall be conveyed:administrative transfer shall be carefully handled:specialty criterion shall be objectively appraised;awards and punishments for teachers shall be fairly enforced;regulations for special concession shall be considered;teachers’ transfer╱promotion shall be assisted.
4. On school leadership:The school shall help teachers for environment adjustment, pay attention to their requirements in affection, be watchful of their transfer intention, reasonally share their school affaires, strive for their fringe benefits and advise the requirements for transfer╱promotion.
5. On educational personnel:
They shall positively strive for the opportunity to get promoted, manage to rid themselves of the troubles of commuting, sensibly select their school and maintain the authority of the transfer╱promotion regulations.

