
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國民中學學生生活調適問題之研究
卷期 27
作者 王瑞仁
頁次 33-45
出刊日期 198506




This study is conducted to survey with self─prepared questionnaire the adjustment problems of urban and rural students at junior high school level for the following purposes:
1. Exploring the adjustment problems generally encountered by the students in their lives and analyzing the relationship between these problems and student sex, achievement, living environment and socio─economic status.
2. Proving germane suggestions for future guidance in accordance with and reference to the research findings and educational theories or principles.
The major findings are :
1. Among all the adjustment problems of students, the one which affects the students most and should be graded first is the problem of the personal life and psychological development, and the others in sequence are those of the school life and study adaptation, the healthy living condition and physiological development, the community life and social relationship, the family life and family relationship, and the heterosexual relationship and living.
2. The majority of boy─students are being affected by the problem of school life and study adaptation. The major findings are:
1. Among all the adjustment problems of students, the one which affects the students most and should be graded first is the problem of the personal life and psychological development, and the others in sequence are those of the school life and study adaptation, the healthy living condition and physiological development, the community life and social relationship, the family life and family relationship, and the heterosexual relationship and living.
2.The majority of boy─students are being affected by the problem of school life and study adaptation, the majority of girl─students are being affected by the problem of personal life and psychological development. The most special problem affecting the boy─students is the heterosexual relationship and living, those affecting the girl─students are the healthy living condition and psysiological development, personal life and psychological development.
3. The problem which affects students most in the high achievemenet classes is the personal life and psychological development, and that in the low achievement classes is the school life and study adaptation. The special problem which affects students most in the high achievement classes is the school life and study adaptation, and that in the low achievement classes is the family life and family relationship
4. Both urban and rural students are affected mostly by the problem of personal life and psychological development. The special problems affecting the urban students are that of the community life and social relationship, as well as the heterosexual relationship and living.
5. The students of middle and high socio─economic status are agonized mostly with the problem of the personal life and psychological development, those of low socio─economic status are hardly bothered by the problem of school life and study adaptation.
6. The girl─students embogged in the personal life outnumber the boy─students in the low achievement classes, the urban students outnumber the rural students, the rural girl─students outnumber the rural boy─students, the students of high socio─economic status outnumber those of middle socio─economic.
In view of the finding mentioned above, some suggestions are made as follows:
1. To enhance teachers’ understanding and standards for junior high school.
2. To revise the curriculum contents and standards for junior high school.
3. To carry out the program of compulsory vocational education.
4. To sinew the enforcement of guidance activity.
5. To enhance the guidance activity for youth.
6. To push the improvement on teaching practice.
7. To improve the teacher─student interrelationship.
8. To improve the practice of instructional evaluation.
9. To strengthen the employment guidance.
10. To strengthen the triangle integration Of school ,family, and social education.

