
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國民小學教師成績考核之研究\n
卷期 26
作者 黃裕城\n
頁次 269-277
出刊日期 198406


教師是教育活動的執行者,他們是否能圓滿達成任務,對教育功能的發揮有重大的影響。西諺云:「有怎樣的成長,就有怎樣的學校;有怎樣的老師,就有怎樣的學生。」任何行政工作有效的推展,首先應訂定週密的計畫,然後依計畫來實行,再藉考核來了解執行的得失做為改進的依據。先總統 蔣公在抗日戰爭初期,即提倡以計畫、執行及考核的行政三聯制來提高行政效率。他對人事考核曾有剴切的訓示:「有培育而無考核必失之於泛;有任用而無考核則必失之於濫。欲使賢者在位,能者在職,除考核外無他途可循。」同時又說:「在人才培育中要先考核,才能達到任用有方;在用時期要考核,方能人盡其才;在工作執行之後要考核,才能事奏其功。」教師擔任傳道、授業、解惑的重任,不僅關係學生之未來,同時也影響到國家民族的前途,因此教師在被任用之前須先經嚴格的師範教育,任用之後也應隨時予以考核。借著考核結果使教師不斷的改進教學,來提高教學績效,達成教育目標。\n


Teacher evaluation(Teachers efficiency reports)is one of the major tasks of a school, simply because whether the teacher evaluation system is good or bad directly impacts the service morale and work performances on the part of the teachers. The objective of this study is to probe the evaluation status and the defects of the primary school teachers in a wish that through this study, possible improvement approaches will be introduced to the educational administrative authorities and the primary schools to serve as a reference to their implementation of the teacher evaluation.This study concurrently used literatures analysis and questionnaire survey method. Initially literatures analysis is to be conducted to find out the significance, functions, principles and methods of the teacher evaluation and the evolution, current status and implementation defects of the primary school teachers evaluation in this country. Then the questionnaire survey is used to gather the opinions of the primary school personnel about the existing teacher evaluation. For the information collected form the questionnaire survey, percentages and X square tests are used to analyze the results gained from the ideas against various problems concerning the teacher evaluation as reflected by the respondents, and if any remarkable differences are obtained, Z score will be used to check and verify the differential situation. The objects of this questionnaire survey are the educational personnel(including principals, prefects of studies and students, personnel chiefs, and teachers)of the public primary schools in Taiwan with a total of 1,817 persons picked as stratified by random sampling.Summarizing the results gained from the literatures research and questionnaire survey, the following four conclusions are enumerated: 1. In respect to the teacher evaluation committee:Most schools have established the evaluation committee according to the laws and regulations set forth and the ideal evaluation commissioners should be openly elected by the among the teachers.2. In respect to the measures and standards governing the teacher evaluation:Only a half of the teachers felt the teacher evaluation measure are satisfactory, while most of them considered the evaluation standards promulgated by the Ministry of Education are concrete and applicable, and the teacher evaluation standards should cover instruction, students training, personal character and behavior, emergency leaves and specific outstanding performances.3. In respect to the implementation of the teacher evaluation:Based on the survey results, most schools counted this on the basis of one’s emergency leaves in excess of two weeks, and more than half of all the schools had promulgated evaluation measures which were publicly announced to or advised of all the teachers at meetings or personally. Although the evaluators have kept their written records at regular times about this, but some of records are incomplete. The ideal teacher evaluation procedures should first go through the teacher’s own self─evaluation, then various departments, and sections for re─evaluation and then the evaluation committee for endorsement, and finally the principal for review.4. In respect to the evaluation results:Based on the survey results, the teachers deemed the evaluation had not fully exemplify its supposed functions, especially most of them though monetary awards would have the most commendatory efficacies to the teachers. Their comments on the establishment of a complaints system varies, but most of the teachers supported such a system.Recommendations of this study: 1. The educational administrative authorities must recruit scholars, specialists experts to revise the existing evaluation measures to meet the current requirements.2. Various school should make their evaluation committees sound and strong and keep all the teachers understood of the evaluation measures in advance.3. Teachers must be clearly aware that the significance of the teacher evaluation is to assist them in improving their instructional methods and thus enhancing the instructional efficiencies and effects.

