
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 學校經驗對國中教師教室領導行為的影響
卷期 24
作者 黃鴻文
頁次 245-252
出刊日期 198206


本研究旨在探討國中教師的學校經驗,對其教室領導行為影響的性質與程度;其具體目的,有下列五項:1. 探討教師的學校經驗對教師理想領導行為的影響。2. 探討教師的學校經驗對教師實際領導行為的影響。3. 探討教師理想領導行為對教師實際領導行為的影響。4. 比較教師學校經驗與教師理想領導行為,何者對教師實際領導行為的影響較大。5.綜合研究的發現,提出結論與建議,以供師範教育與輔導新教師之參考。


This study was undertaken to examine whether the inservice experiences of junior high school teachers would change their ideal or actual leadership behavior.
The two major sociological theories that guided the entire study were structural functionalism and symbolic interactionism;from the perspective of the former, the structures and functions of the school class as a social system were analyzed;from the perspective of the latter, the theory of teacher socialization was generated. In addition, the empirical studies concerning teacher’s leadership behavior and it’s effects, teacher socialization were also discussed in detail.
Reviewed the literature, the researcher constructed the basic framework of the study. With the cross─sectional approach, the researcher defined the inservice study. With the cross─sectional teachers in two ways:(1)the inservice years;(2)expectations of teacher’s role partners perceived by teachers. Leadership behavior was considered from two dimensions, i.e., authority and consideration.
Based upon the above framework, the researcher constructed Teachers’ Leadership Behavior Questionnaire to collect the data needed. The questionnaire included two parts:(1)the part of teachers:to measure the expectations of teacher’s role partners perceived by teachers, and the ideal leadership behavior;(2)the part of students:to measure the leadership behavior perceived by students as the actual leadership behavior of their teacher. The stratified sampling procedure was used to select needed samples from the teachers of National Taiwan Normal University and National Kaohiung Teachers College.
The samples included 268 teachers, 1340 students and 93 senior students of NTNU & NKTC.
Analyzed the data, eight conclusions were drawn:(1)teachers’ authority behavior is related to variables as follows:the school from which teachers were graduated, inservice years, administrative district of teachers’ inservice school, number of students, students’ grouping condition by capacity;(2)teachers’ consideration behavior is related to the subject of teaching, and administrative district of teachers’ inservice school;(3)the range between teachers’ ideal and actual consideration behavior is rather large;(4)teachers’ ideal and actual authority behavior are pretty congruent;(5)the ideal leadership behavior of senior students of teachers college is more student─centered;(6)in the second or third inservice year, the influence of “colleagues” on teachers’ leadership behavior is greater than ever;(7)the leadership behavior of teachers, whose inservice years were more than the, has close relationship with teachers’ subculture;(8)the factors influence the leadership behavior of teachers, whose inservice years were from five to eight, are very special for further studying.
According to the above conclusions, five recommendations were suggested.

