
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 國中低收入學生行為困擾、學習態度與學業成就之調查研究
卷期 24
作者 王玉屏
頁次 253-259
出刊日期 198206


家庭係人類社會最基本的團體,亦是個人社會化最重要的單位。家庭非但影響個人人格及社會行為之發展,而且亦影響個人接受教育的機會及程度。家庭背景與教育機會均等具有密切的關聯性,低收入家庭的子女,往往即是最需要學校教育來補償(Compensate)的一群。(註二)由於家庭背景的差異,往往形成不公平的社會現象。下層社會家庭的子女在經濟和文化上處於不利的地位,不僅觀念、態度深受影響;文化經驗的闕如,尤可能造成「文化貧乏」(cultural deprivation)或產生「教育障礙」(educationally handicapped),因而無法充分地發展潛能。他們的教育機會實際上已受到阻礙,以致教育機會平等的理想,難以達成。


The main purpose of this research is to study the relationships of behavior problems, attitude toward learning, and academic achievement for students from low income families and students from non ─ low income families. The result of this study would be suggestions to the Department of Education in Taiwan, to serve as a basis to help guide students from low income families and their chance for equal educational opportunity.
Many publications and references related to this research were examined to form the theoretical basis of this research. The “stratified random sample” method was used for sampling. In this study, three hundred and forty for second year junior high school students were chosen from the area of Taipei, A “Family Background Questionnaire” invented by the research together with “Mon’s Behavior Problem Questionnaire” by Mr. Fu─Ten Ho and “Learning Attitude Questionnaire ”by Mr. Pao─Jen Lai were used in this study.
The results of this study are:
1. There is a big difference in family background characteristics between low income families and non─low income families.
2. There is a strong(positive or negative)relationship between the behavior problems and attitude toward learning for students from low income families.
3. There is a negative relationship between behavior problems and academic achievement for students from low income families.
4. There is a positive relationship between academic achievement and attitude toward learning for students from low income families.
5. There is a significant difference in behavior problems between students from low income families and students from non─income families.
6. There is a significant difference in attitude toward learning between students from low income families and students from non─low income families.
7. There is a significant difference in the academic achievement between students from low income families and students from non─low income families.
Based on the results of this study, five suggestion are presented to help students form low income families and to improve educational opportunity(among all junior high students) in Taiwan.
1. Encourage parent involvement in education.
2. Develop compensatory education.
3. General assistance is needed for students from low income families.
4. Extra guidance is needed for students from low income families.
5. Further study of the cultural background, behavior and psychological make─up of students from low income families is needed.

