
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 刺激與刺激呈現對兒童學習的作用
卷期 24
作者 李星謙
頁次 275-296
出刊日期 198206




The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects upon children’s learning when different stimuli and presentations were operated.
After reviewing the related theories and studies about ‘stimulus”, “its presentation”, and “learning”, the researcher designed two experiments.
Exp. I was to investigate the results of children’s paired─associative learning when abstract an concrete stimuli were presented by whole, part, fixed, and nonfixed presentation method.
Exp. II was to investigate the results of children’s cognitive learning when visual and audio stimuli were presented by single or complex presentation method.
Exp. I adopted the “mixed design” of factorial experimental design. After the operations upon 24 preschool children with mean age 6.65, the results were found as follows:
1. There were no significant difference(p>.05)when the effects of different kinds of stimulus associations acted upon the learning results.
2. When different stimulus presentation methods operated upon children’s paired─associative learning, it was found that fixed presentation method was better than nonfixed presentation method(p<.05).
3. When different stimulus associations interacting with different presentation method, the results of children’s paired─associative learning were found that when abstract stimuli associated with abstract ones─(1)the whole─fixed presentation method was far better than whole─nonfixed presentation method (p<.01), (2)whole─fixed presentation method was better than part─fixed presentation method(p<.05).
Exp. II adopted the “between─subjects design ” of factorial experimental design. After the operations upon 18 preschool children with mean age 5.68, it was found that as the stimulus in cognitive learning was the same, audio─visual complex presentation was better than visual single presentation(p<.05).

