
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 角色認取與道德判斷之關係
卷期 22
作者 李裕光
頁次 45-57
出刊日期 198006




According to cognitive developmental theory, role-taking is a major prerequisite for moral growth. Role-taking refers to the ability to take the point of view of another person. Moral growth, according to Piaget is dependent on overcoming egocentrism and realism.
The experiences of role-taking help the child to give up egocentrism and realism as well as unilateral respect for adults. And it is also assumed by L. Kohlberg that moral stages represent successive modes of taking the role of others and that, hence, opportunities for role-taking are the social-environmental determinants of moral judgment. The findings obtained by tests indicated that there was a positive significant correlation between role-taking and moral judgment.(r=.35 p<.01 n=140)
In addition, 14-year-olds had higher scores than 10-year-olds. No sex differences were discovered in this study.

