
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 團體諮商對國中生自我接納的影響
卷期 22
作者 劉德生
頁次 555-563
出刊日期 198006




The main purpose of this study is to test the performance of group counseling in junior high schools, and to felt students understand himself and others in order to develop their interpersonal relationships and to increase the levels of self-acceptance.
A sample of 64 eighth grade boy students are selected through the Self-attitude Questionnaire and the Mooney Problem Check Lists. Other data for this study are collected by the Qtis Quick-scoring Mental Ability Tests, academic achievement and socio-economic background with the view of getting equal group. The subjects are randomly assigned to either the experimental group (counseled) of N=32 or the control group (non-counseled) of N=32. structured group counseling of 20 units is used in this experiment over a period of 41 days. The major findings are as follows:
1. The experimental group shows significantly greater increases (P<.05) in the self-acceptance from pretest to posttest than the control group.
2. The experimental group shows significantly greater decreases (P<.05)in the problem of the relations to people in general from pretest to posttest than the control group.
3. The difference scores for the pretest-posttest and posttest scores indicate no between-group significant differences (P<.05) in the self-acceptance and in the problem of the relations to people in general.
4. In the group dynamics, the experimental group indicates significantly more improvement (P<.05) in the item of group atmosphere by self-appraisal and in the item of silence by teacher-appraisal than the control group. Otherwise, no between-group significant differences (P<.05) were found on the 16 items of group dynamics by classmate-appraisal.
5. It is possible to understand that the group counseling is suited for junior high school students from the expressions, feelings, and discoverings by the clients about himself and others.
Based on the findings, the implications for group counseling in junior high schools are discussed and some recommendations are suggested.

