
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 電視影響兒童認知發展之研究
卷期 22
作者 郭為藩
頁次 21-128
出刊日期 198006




The study is to investigate the impact of television on children’s cognitive development. Three hundred fourth and fifth grade children from four different parts of Taiwan were used as subjects. They were divided and matched into three groups according to the length of exposure to television, i.e., no-television (never owned a TV), short-term exposure (one to three years of television watching), and long-term exposure (four or more years of television watching).
Three tests were designed to measure the cognitive abilities: the general information test, the story-telling test and language test. The general information test includes fifty multiple-choice items which cover a variety of knowledge mainly shown on TV programs. The story telling test demands the subject to tell a story according to his understanding from a series of six pictures. The stories were taped for the analysis of their sentence structure, vocabulary components and syntactic development. The language test includes subtests of reading comprehension, listening comprehension, selection of proper words, description and explanation. Besides, a questionnaire is used to investigate TV watching habits of the subjects. The main purpose of the study is to find out the relation of television exposure and cognitive growth.
It is found that the group of long-term exposure is significantly superior to the no-television group in all of the three tests, while it shows no significant difference from the group of short-term exposure in language ability tests as well as story-telling tests. It appears that television exposure affects the language development as well as the enrichment of general information of its viewers. Nevertheless, there is slight long-term benefit in language development and no significant effect in general information. Finally, there appears to be no short-term effect of television access or exposure on language development.

