
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 性惡與教育
卷期 36
作者 趙雅博
頁次 1-15
出刊日期 199506




HSUN TSU was convinced that men were inherently evil and would struggle to secure whatever profitable to them. However, the same men might do good deeds if they were first made known to the fact that these undertakings would be truly beneficial to such doers. And this was how education became an indispensable matter. To teach people to do good deeds, fine teachers are needed. On the one hand, they will make themselves noble examples for people to live up to, and on the other hand, they are to impart the knowledge of etiquettes, rules and moral codes to people who will in turn accept such bindings and strive for good. It is not impossible for a man to do good because he loves rich and prosperity but loathes poverty and evil. Once a man learns of what he is to be rewarded by following etiquette, rules and moral codes to suit his purpose, he will have no choice but to do good.

