
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 教育的概念﹑口號與隱喻
卷期 32
作者 歐陽教
頁次 29-49
出刊日期 199006


第一節 教育的概念
第二節 教育的規準
第三節 教育的口號與隱喻
最後,本文殿以結語四點: 難下教育定義;應妥訂教育規準;更應釐清口號與隱喻;尤應耐心教人成人,否則,人而不如草履蟲,不學乖,(A man is worthless than a paramecium in the process of learning how to rights the wrong)則其奈教育何?


Education is an essentially contested concept. Laymen an educationists alike are easily to be befogged by the foggy ideas of education. This paper intends to defog some, if not all, of the fogs in the field of educational discourses. It is therefore aimed at making explicit some relevant concepts, definitions, criteria, slogans and metaphors in education. There are roughly three parts in this paper.
The first part analyzes the concept of education in terms of a complicated concept, contested concept, task─achievement concept, and polymorphous process;it furthermore scrutinizes the definition of education by virtue of the prescriptivity, functionality, connotation and Zeitgeist. It tries to show the complexity of education and criticizes in detail some popular definitions in education.
The second part expounds Peters’ three criteria of education, namely, worthwhileness, cognitiveness and voluntariness, by means of some mundane examples to demarcate educative activities from non─educative or miseducative ones. Some higher order criteria as such, it is argued, are the minimum demands for any meaningful and rational discourse in education, otherwise, it is undoubtedly irrational.
The third part probes into the meanings, functions and limitations of educational slogans as well as that of educational metaphors, respectively. As usual, definitions and criteria emphasize the cognitive seriousness in educational discourses;educational slogans however put more emphasis on emotive meaning. Therefore, the vivid images of educational metaphors are always used as the best instruments to vivify educational slogans as rallying symbols in education. Yet, any modes of metaphor in education, such as midwifery, molding, sculpturing and growth metaphors, are just a descriptive analogy of similarity rather than identity between education and these metaphorical modes. Thus, their applicabilities are surely not unlimited.
In concluding remarks, this paper although tries to solve some thorny problems in defining an exact definition of education, it is not strongly intended for such a one, instead if propounds the usefulness of constructing some universal criteria of education;moreover, it demands the clarification between the use and abuse of educational slogans and that of educational metaphors;finally it claims that the educability of human nature must be strenuously enhanced, otherwise a rational animal is worthless than a mere paramecium in the process of learning how to right the wrong, because foolish enough and paradoxical enough, man, certainly not paramecia, is the only animal capable of stubbing his toe twice on the same stone. Man is the last enemy of himself. Education rather than miseducation can somewhat stop his repeating stupidities and errors and heal his sufferings, if he will.


