
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 國民中學教師專業成長與其形象知覺關係之探討
卷期 17
作者 蔡碧璉
頁次 283-330
關鍵字 成長形象知覺國民中學專業教師TSSCI
出刊日期 199409




This study focus on the following topics. The first one was the analyze the relationship between teachers’ images perception and opinions concerning goals and extent of professional growth. The second was to explore the causal relationship of teachers’ images perception and professional growth. The last one was to establish a system for analyzing and promoting the cognition of teachers’ professional growth and for the referral of educational research to the policy making branch of the education administration.
The subjects were secondary junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The instruments included The Questionnaire of Teachers’ Professional Growth and The Questionnaire of Teachers’ Images Perception.
The major findings were:(1)teachers’ images perception correlated with the goals and extent of professional growth;(2)teachers’ images perception and the goals and extent of professional growth were causally related. Finally, conclusions and suggestions are proposed for educational decision─making and further study.
