
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 師專生任教意願及教學態度之調查分析
卷期 22
並列篇名 An Investigation on Teaching Aspiration and Teaching Attitude of Students in the Junior Teacher College
作者 賴清標
頁次 521-531
出刊日期 198006


建國需要人才,人才需要教育,教育需要良師,先總統 蔣公即曾昭示:「培養師資,樹立師表,以達到良師興國的崇高理想,實為重要課題」。良師為各級各類學校教育成功所不可或缺,而最終則為國家盛衰存亡知所繁賴。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of teaching aspiration and teaching attitude of prospective teachers between females and males, and among students of different years. Furthermore, the relationships between teaching aspiration and teaching attitude would be analyzed.
Two instruments were adopted in this study: one was ”Minnesota Teacher attitude Inventory (MTAI)”, which was used to evaluate the teaching attitude; the other was a questionnaire designed by the author, which was used to measure the teaching aspiration. There were 480 students used as samples in this study. Among them, there were 160 students for the first, the third, and the fifth year each, and half of them were females.
The main findings were: (1) Generally speaking, teaching aspiration showed a tendency to descend year by year. Besides, teaching aspirations of the fifth year male students were apparently worse than those of the first and the third year male students; but there was no significant differences among female students. (2) Speaking of the teaching attitude, it had such a tendency to be better gradually, that is to say, the MIAT score was increased step by step. In addition, teaching attitudes of the third and the fifth female students were significantly better than those of the first female students. And there was no evident differences among male students. (3) For the first year students, there was no clear sexy differences on teaching aspiration and teaching attitude. But for the third and the fifth students separately, female students showed better than male students on both parts. (4) A majority of the junior teachers college’s students bore a strict attitude toward the discipline problems, and there was no differences between females and males. (5) Most of the junior teachers college’s students had a positive attitude toward teacher’s duty, and there was no apparent differences among the students of different years. (6) There was a significantly positive correlation between teaching aspiration and teaching attitude, and the correlation coefficient of the male students in significantly higher than that of the femall students.
According to the findings above, some suggestions are presented:
(1) We should pay much attention to the education of later part in the junior teachers college.
(2) We should give more advices to the male students in order to firm their teaching aspirations and to improve their teaching attitudes.
(3) Those students who don’t like to be a teacher should be given such an opportunity to enter other kinds of schools.
(4) The students’ strict attitude toward the discipline problems should be changed.
(5) We should reinforce the follow-up guidance of the beginning teachers in order to preserve the good teaching attitudes that has been cultivated through the junior teacher college’s education.

