
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 成年男性縱火慣犯之心理特徵與行為歷程分析
卷期 31:3
並列篇名 An Exploration of Male Habitual Arsonist’s Psychological Characteristics and Behavioral Processes
作者 黃軍義葉光輝
頁次 109-129
關鍵字 個案研究肇發與持續因素縱火慣犯case studyhabitual arsonistoccurring and maintaining factorTSSCI
出刊日期 200809




The present study explores the psychological characteristics and behavioral processes of male habitual arsonists in light of their considerable dangerousness to the society. All the arson inmates of Taipei and Hsin-Jwu prison of Taiwan were in-depth interviewed, among them three male subjects were found as repeated arson offenders, each committing firesetting at least five times. The analyses of the data were thus based on the three repeated offenders. The results show that the occurrence of their arson behavior is usually the result of the interaction of specific psychological characteristics and some instigating situations. The maintenance of their arson behavior is usually the result that they gain satisfaction from arson. The present article adopts a “occurringmaintaining-factor perspective” to illustrate male habitual arsonist’s psychological characteristics and behavioral processes. The corresponding treatment strategy is suggested.
