
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 一個用於歪斜復原文件影像的無特徵點接圖法
卷期 21:4
並列篇名 A Featureless Image Registration Method for Deskewed Document Images
作者 范欽雄陳昱盛
頁次 405-414
關鍵字 歪斜影像復原無特徵點法文件影像接合階層式搜尋法區塊比對Skew image recoveryFeatureless methodDocument image registrationHierarchical search schemeBlock matchingEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200612




In this paper, we present a featureless image registration method for deskewed document images, which first recovers skewed document images and further registers them with overlapped regions. The following are the three main procedures in this document image registration method. In the preprocessing procedure, the original color document image is transformed into a binary one. A connected component detection algorithm is then applied to filtering non-textual information in the document image. In the skew recovery procedure, a projection profile analysis is adopted to detect the skew angle of a document image with a hierarchical search scheme. In the document image registration procedure, we develop a featureless approach to registering overlapped recovered images, which is mainly based on a hierarchical block matching to acquire translation and scale parameters between two such images. So far, our proposed method can recovery skewed document images and register multiple overlapped recovered images correctly and fluently.
