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篇名 部落格互動性功能之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Study on Interactive Functions of Blogs
作者 陳瑋玲
頁次 65-82
關鍵字 部落格網站互動性內容分析法bloginternet interactivecontent analysis
出刊日期 200901


部落格(Blog)是提供使用者紀錄生活、分享資訊與書寫創作的網路平台,近幾年來,部落格在全球網路掀起一陣風潮,並創造社會網路的驚人發展。現今台灣部落格已經成為入口網站與網路服務商力推的服務,使用者的成長速率成倍數增加。部落格除了線上內容發表的功能外,還提供了RSS 訂閱、留言板、討論區、網路情報、相關連結等互動功能,而良好的線上互動可以增加使用者對於網站的忠誠與信任。因此,本研究從「網站互動性」的觀點出發,透過內容分析的方式,檢視國內部落格所呈現之網站互動功能。研究結果發現,網站互動功能可歸納為五大類:介面設計、顧客支援、回饋功能、個人化選擇、娛樂服務,每一類目的採用比例均在70%以上。不同的部落格在互動功能上沒有太大差距,顯示出國內部落格已建構基本的使用者互動平台。本研究結果期以供永續經營部落格網站之業者參考,並做為後進業者對部落格網站互動性內容設計之規劃。


Blog is the network platformproviding users to record lives, share information and create works. Nowadays, blog has become an importance service promoting by portal sites and internet service providers in Taiwan. Blog users rapidly grow up year after year. Besides the functions of writing and reading, blogs also provide functions such as RSS subscribing, message board, discussing area, internet information and internet-related connection. Good internet interactive will increase website loyalty and trust for users.Accordingly, the study aims to investigate the content of Taiwan's weblogs in terms of internet interaction by using content analysis. The result shows that the functions of internet interactive are summarized into five categories: user interface, customer support, feedback mechanism, personalized selection, entertainment service. Each of them is adopted over 70 percent by Taiwan's major blogs. The difference of interactive interaction among the blogs is not obvious. It means that interactive interaction is a common platform that provided by each blog. The result could be the reference for blog service providers, it also be the blog interactive planning for the newcomers.
