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篇名 外籍與本國勞工混合工作編組對同事間助人行為影響之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Influence of Blending ForeignWorkers and Local Employees inWork Groups on Helping Behaviors among Co-workers
作者 范光陽毛筱艷
頁次 53-64
關鍵字 foreign workerslocal employeeshelping behaviorssocial interaction外籍勞工本國勞工助人行為社交互動
出刊日期 200901


本研究目的為檢驗外籍與本國勞工混合工作編組對同事間助人行為之影響,調查對象為製造業基層主管,一共發出270 份問卷,有效回收問卷份數為163份,以層級迴歸分析驗證研究假設。實證結果得知,菲律賓籍和本國勞工混合工作編組比純本國勞工的工作團隊,有較低之助人行為。而且,同事間社交互動程度會干擾工作編組對助人行為的影響。結果顯示,助人行為會因團隊成員間社交互動程度低而削弱。此外,對研究結果之意涵與限制進行討論,並對未來研究提供建議。


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether blending foreign workers and local employees in the workplace will influence the helping behaviors among co-workers. The sample was made up of 163 supervisors among manufacturing industry. The results indicated that the blending work groups had lower level of helping behaviors then the groups composed of local employees and the level of social interaction moderated the relationship between them. Supporting the hypothesis, work groups with lower level of social interaction had lower level of helping behaviors then
the groups with higher level of social interaction. Implications and limitations of these results were discussed. Suggestions for future research were provided.
