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篇名 台灣工業與服務業部門的平均薪資對失業率影響之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Study of Influences for the AverageWages of Taiwanese Industry and Service Department to Unemployment Rate
作者 林瑞山
頁次 83-102
關鍵字 平均薪資失業率自我回歸整合移動平均轉移函數時間序列average wagestime seriesunemployment rateARIMAtransfer function
出刊日期 200901




Unemployment rate is not only an economic and social important issue, but also an important contribution indicator in achieving economical growth rate's goal which is government planning. In recent years, the unemployment rate has stayed at a high level in Taiwan, so reducing the unemployment rate becomes the new government's important administration policy in Taiwan. Average wages is not only staff's life obtained, but also the enterprise's management cost, and even a country's international
competitiveness important indicator. Past researches pointed out that increasing the average wages may raise the labor productivity which is another significant contribution indicator of economical growth rate. This paper refers to the Phillips curve and further discusses with the relationship of average wages and unemployment rate.Through empirical analysis, finding that Taiwanese industry and service department's
average wage is significant affecting the unemployment rate. The paper's conclusion is that increasing the average wages not only may reduce the unemployment rate and raise the labor productivity, and help to achieve the economical growth rate's goal. Therefore,suggested that the government and the enterprise may adopt any measures which can promote the average wages.
