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篇名 社區綠美化效益與決定因素之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Determinants and Benefits of Community Green Beauty
作者 張世佳劉雅文蔡燿宇
頁次 103-120
關鍵字 Green Beauty綠美化效益評估Performance Evaluation
出刊日期 200901




In Modern society, Outdoor leisure activity has become a good way to relax and mediate pressure. But in the urban area, the space is limited and sparse, how to beautify and manage the green land become most important. Green land is not only a public installation that provide the functions of comfortable, safe and beautiful environment,but also bring four important function: sight of beauty, natural environment protect,leisure entertainments and prevent calamities. But the funds and other support activity for developing and maintaining green beauty performance is a huge expend for citizens,governance should pay more attention on Community green beauty performance evaluation, and to discuss the relationship between the green beauty crucial factor and performance evaluation. Furthermore, our research let the persistent control and assess
mechanism could be traced. Finally, this paper provided the improvement suggestion to the Forestry Bureau for green beauty planning in the future assistance of community green beauty. For this reason, our initial project is to build up the measurement of performance.
Keywords:Green Beauty,
