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篇名 木球競賽技術分析的設計與實際運用
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Design and Application of Technique Analysis forWoodball Games
作者 黃晉揚
頁次 199-206
關鍵字 木球技術分析系統woodballtechnique analysis system
出刊日期 200901


目的:設計木球競賽技術分析系統,統計木球競賽時選手的各項技術性指標,配合google earth 衛星空照圖,製作比賽場地圖,以對照球道檢討分析。在最短的時效內,提供給教練及選手做為訓練及比賽時的參考。同時各項木球技術性指標,同步匯出轉成SPSS 統計軟體所需的格式,以利進一步推論統計。方法:本系統以Excel vba 及巨集指令設計完成。研究對象為國立台北商業技術學院木球隊,在所參與的各項木球競賽中實際運作。結果:經一年的實際運作,每場比賽後均能順利輸出木球技術分析表,並匯出各項木球技術性指標。結論:本系統實際應用於北商木球隊參與的各項比賽,程式不斷修正改進,以及操作人員的熟練度增加,可在賽後十分鐘內立即輸出每位選手的技術分析表,供選手回饋及檢討,同時作為下場比賽策略的修正。藉由持續性的在比賽中收集資訊,可進一步了解選手進步的情形。


Purpose: To design a technique analysis system for woodball games and gather various statistics on technical indicators for players during competition. Working with Google Earth satellite maps, we produced competition venue maps, contrasted the fairways, and reviewed the results. These were provided to coaches and players in the shortest possible time as reference material for training and competition. At the same time, the complete set of woodball technical indicators was read into SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) to generate further data. Method: This system depends on Excel vba and macro-instruction to accomplish its aims. The object of study was the woodball team of the National Taipei College of Business, and practical application to
woodball games. Result: After a year's practice, we can consistently output technique analysis charts and technical indicators for games. Conclusion: This system has been applied to every competition that our school's woodball team has participated in. The program has been continuously corrected and improved, and the skills of the operating
staff have increased. Thus, we are able to output each player's technique analysis chart only ten minutes after the competition. By continuously collecting information during competitions, we can come to a better understanding of how the situation is developing for the player.
