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篇名 印刷電路板(PCB)可測試性訊號分析研究
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Analysis of the Testability Signal ofPrinted Circuit Board
作者 徐仲彥陳昭宏
頁次 110-119
關鍵字 印刷電路板電子電路類神經網路Printed circuit board, Electronic circuit, Neural networks_
出刊日期 200712


對於航電系統中,印刷電路板(Print circuit board)具有高單價及需要高度可靠性的特性,這些電子電路板使用一段時間後必須有定期檢查的需要,如果電路板損壞最符合經濟效應的原則


Print Circuit Board (PCB) is a basic and important element for electronic aircraft system.Considering aviation safety, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the PCB to ensure the system stably and reliably. The best solution is to exchange a new PCB when system has any error, but it is hard to do due to the economic problem of the high cost. Since we cannot replace the PCB arbitrarily, we endeavor to find the failure unit and try to repair it. That is a challenge to find the problem for the professional and senior electrical engineer. According to this situation, we hope to design an automatic system to support PCB checking for general engineer. However, checking the PCB is a recognizing technology, it is similar to construct a software agent for electrical system. In order to construct a recognizing system for PCB checking, it is a flexible way to adopt the neural network technique to design that automatic system. In this paper, we propose an automatic system to support PCB testing and checking with neural network. Finally, we have shown some recognition examples to
demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed system.
