
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 從香港教師的視角探究校本評核的實施問題──實踐與信念之分析
卷期 55:1
並列篇名 An Investigation of the Implementation Problems of School-Based Assessment in Hong Kong from the Viewpoint of Teachers: An Analysis of Practices and Beliefs
作者 譚彩鳳
頁次 25-62
關鍵字 teachers' beliefsimplementation problemsschool-based assessment教師信念實施問題校本評核TSSCI
出刊日期 200903




It is acknowledged that public examinations principally serve for selection functions. However, the traditional form of paper-and-pencil assessment is unable to evaluate students’ diverse capabilities. In order to pass through these examinations, teaching and learning are confined in a narrow range of coaching and memorizing skills. These malpractices are also unlikely to develop a broader range of higher-order competencies and understandings of students. Therefore, school-based assessment (SBA) has been launched by different countries to complement public examinations. In Hong Kong, SBA has also been implemented since September 2005 at senior secondary level in Chinese Language. It aims at broadening the assessment base and improving the effectiveness of learning and teaching. However, teachers expressed their discontents after several months’ implementation. Twelve Chinese Language teachers were selected as informants, semi-structured interviews were conducted, soliciting their views, examining their roles and investigating the difficulties they encountered in SBA practices. The findings show that most teachers’ beliefs on assessments were incompatible with the intended rationale of SBA. Their roles were identified as assessors and supervisors. It is also indicated that the difficulties teachers encountered were how to put SBA into practice and how to eliminate conflicts they had with students and colleagues. Hence, it was unlikely to improve students’ performance and alleviate their examination pressure. It is concluded that assessment reform alone is insufficient to bring any improvement in teaching and learning. Teachers’ active engagement is critical to accomplishing successful educational changes.
