
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 中學教師甄選口試題目圖像及其教育理念之研究
卷期 32:1
並列篇名 The Concrete Picture of Oral Exam Questions in Middle High School Teacher-selection Interviews and Its Hidden Educational Beliefs
作者 胡悅倫余民寧
頁次 29-56
關鍵字 概念構圖教師甄試口試題目中學教師concept mappingteacher-selection interviewsmiddleoral examTSSCI
出刊日期 200903




This study aimed to apply concept mapping to understand the hidden educational constructs of 4,901 oral exam questions in teacher-selection interviews. The presentation of concrete figures facilitates the understanding of interviewers’ abstract knowledge. A total of 20 participants came from various backgrounds. Sixteen categories of questions
from teacher-selection interviews were analyzed with the structured conceptualization of concept mapping.
Results show that there are four dimensions of oral exam questions: (1) teacher’s professional knowledge (i.e. professional knowledge, teaching ability, counseling knowledge and ability, class management, etc.); (2) personal core value (i.e. personal value, self introduction, and interpersonal relationship, etc.); (3) personal working experience (i.e. pre-service teacher experience, etc.); (4) civil organizational behavior
(i.e. the availability of administrative service, etc.). In addition, the ratings of three indexes reveal the relative importance of the oral exam questions. Implications of this study are: (1) Within the sufficient time, the certain facets of the oral exam questions should be included; (2) Under time pressure, the limited critical oral exam questions should be selected.
