
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣民眾對老人的態度:量表發展與信效度初探
卷期 32:1
並列篇名 Attitudes towards Old People in Taiwan: Scale Development and Preliminary Evidence of Reliability and Validity
作者 陸洛高旭繁
頁次 147-171
關鍵字 interactional intentionscaleattitudes towards old people對老人態度與老人互動行為意向量表發展TSSCI
出刊日期 200903




The present study aimed at developing a scale measuring attitudes towards old people reliably and effectively. A large scale questionnaire survey was conducted targeting all age groups in Taiwan. There were a total of 991 usable questionnaires (368 adolescents, 230 college students, 393 adults).
Results revealed that internal consistency reliability was high for the overall “Old People Scale” (OPS) (α = .91), and generally acceptable for its four subscales (Appearance and physical characteristics, Psychological and cognitive characteristics, Interpersonal relations and social participation, and work and economic safety). The OPS also showed good convergent validity and criterion validity. We also found that males compared to females, had more positive attitudes pertaining to Psychological and cognitive characteristics. Finally, those who had more positive attitudes towards old people were more willing to interact with them in various social situations.
