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篇名 從社會資本觀點分析我國社區大學建構社區學習網絡之研究
卷期 11
並列篇名 The Analysis of Learning Network of Community College in Taiwan Based on the Views of Social Capital
作者 張菀珍
頁次 71-108
關鍵字 community collegecommunity learning networksocial capital社區大學社會資本社區學習網絡
出刊日期 200812




The purposes of this study are: (1)to explore the content of society capital and the connection of community learning networks, (2)to examine the present situation and the problem of community learning network of community college in Taiwan Based on the views of social capital, and (3)how to promote the development of community college for accumulating the social capital and constructing the community learning network in Taiwan. “The questionnaire for the learning network construction of community college in Taiwan” is developed to collect the quantitative data. Nine community colleges are also chosen to undergo in-depth interviews to collect the qualitative data. After the analysis and discussion of the data, the results show that the community colleges already have enough learning network and accumulated social capital adequately, but should make effort to connect the bridging and linking network of social capital in the future.
