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篇名 文化創意產業創業家的創業歷程與靈性成長的關係:一個個案的敘說研究
卷期 11
並列篇名 A Founder of Culture Creativity Industry whose Undertaking Course in Relation with Spiritual Growth: A Case Study of Narration Inquiry
作者 陳雯萍
頁次 141-179
關鍵字 narration inquiryspiritual growthfounder of a businessculture creativity industry敘說探究靈性成長創業家文化創意產業
出刊日期 200812




This study mainly focuses on a founder of culture creativity industry whose undertaking course in relation with spiritual growth and changes. This study uses interview, shadow and narration inquiry to analyze and find the initial motive of interviewer influenced on creative cultural business come from great love of mother and mother’s strong faith in her son in a dream. The examples of spiritual growth showed in course included recognition of local cultures, amazing determination in learning and transforming, social responsibilities of advanced learning and environment-protection, non-profit values of traditional Chinese belief, public soul and release emerged from selflessness love. At last, it moved toward higher level of spiritual growth by showing love and justice as well as establishing monastery.
