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篇名 產學合作融入創意設計課程之探討
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Investigation and discussion on infusion of industry-academy collaboration into originatively designing program
作者 林睿琳謝景晨
頁次 1-9
關鍵字 嬰兒用品Layout of creative thoughtIndustry-academy collaborationBaby articles創意設計產學合作
出刊日期 200806




In recent years educational department aggressively advocated industry-academy collaboration in the hope that specialized knowledge in the academic circle industrial development in the industrial circle had opportunity of linking together for expediting economical construction so as to achieve newly atmospheric phenomenon of economical growth. In view of the fact that situation was necessary, these researches in the form of random sampling selected freshmen at advanced section who entered into Design Department of Chienkuo Technology university in the semester of 2003 as targets for researches and infused industry-academy collaboration into teaching activity of creative layout curriculum. Secondly, according to layout motif submitted by manufacturing company, competitive measures and schedules which would be referred to by the students were drown up.
Consequently, by way of discussion between the teacher and students and designing scheme of creative thought, manufacturing company based on practical requirements respectively engaged in appraising and selecting the first three students who gained work of most creative thought and the first three students who approvingly obtained a good work, and according to priority issued them award for further encouragement. On the whole, industry-academy collaboration could assist the teacher have a deeper recognition to practical affair so as to achieve reinforcement of specialized intelligence and help the students fully understand manufacturing condition in industrial circle as early as possible in order to solve manufacturer’s existing problem. However, when it came to infusing
industry-academy collaboration into curriculum teaching, taking challenge and restriction into account was an essentially important element.
