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篇名 幼稚園教師教學效能之調查研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 A Survey Study of Kindergarten Teachers’Teaching Effectiveness
作者 朱佳倫
頁次 79-92
關鍵字 kindergarten teacherteaching qualityteaching effectiveness教學品質幼稚園教師教學效能
出刊日期 200610


本研究採用量表調查法,以臺北及高雄參與2001 年評鑑之公私立幼稚園合格幼稚園教師(n=130) 及園長(n=21)為研究對象。由園長填寫教師效能問卷,幼稚園教師填寫其個人背景資料。教師效能問卷包括了三個面向:教學表現、專業發展及領導技巧。本研究之結論如下:1. 幼稚園教師之年齡與其教學效能並無顯著差異。2. 幼稚園教師之教學年資愈高,其於教學效能中之面向-領導能力愈佳。3.績優幼稚園之老師與未獲獎之幼稚園的老師於其教學效能並無顯著差異。


When parents chose a kindergarten for kids, they also pick teachers. If a teacher is young, parents often think she/he has less experience. If a teacher is elder, parents often think she/he has less vitality. Parents want to find a “good teacher”for children eventually.
However, what is a “good teacher”? Specifically speaking, teacher’s teaching effectiveness can show how a teacher is. The purpose of this study was to explore kindergarten teacher’s teaching effectiveness relative to age and years of teaching experience. The sample of this
study included kindergarten teachers (n=130) and their principals (n=21) from 21 different schools in Taipei and Kaohsiung. The instrument was the Teacher Effectiveness Survey (TES) completed by the principals. The kindergarten teachers completed the personal background. The TES consisted of three domains: Instructional Performance, Professional Development, and Leadership Skills. The findings were that no significant differences showed between ages and teaching effectiveness. The teachers who had more teaching experience possessed higher Leadership skills. There were no significant differences between Superior kindergartens and Non-reward kindergartens.
