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篇名 創意科學魔術之設計及在幼兒科學遊戲創意教學上之應用研究
卷期 6
並列篇名 Studies On The Designs Of Creative Scientific Magic and Application For The Creative Teaching With Scientific Games
作者 方金祥劉奕萱
頁次 13-23
關鍵字 scientific magicscientific gamescreative teaching幼兒創意教學科學遊戲科學魔術
出刊日期 200808


利用一些簡易材料來設計三套創意之有趣的科學魔術:(1)神奇的杯子、(2) 神秘的三個紙杯、(3)髒水變清水,參與研習的教師有320 位、選修科學遊戲等相關課程之學生有517 位,有99%以上之幼稚園所教師及97%的幼保系學生認為創意科學魔術之設計與演示,100%的師生認為科學魔術在科學遊戲中適時表演,是最能吸引住幼保系科的學生及幼兒園所之小朋友,得以增進幼稚園所教師對科學魔術之認識與製作技能,進而將科學魔術應用在幼兒科學遊戲創意教學上,使幼保系科的學生能經由觀賞與演練科學魔術,由遊戲中快樂地學習科學,俾能增強幼保系科的學生對科學的好奇與興趣,使幼保系的學生日後進入幼稚園所擔任教師時,在科學活動中可以融入一些科學魔術以吸引住小朋友的好奇與專注力,對科學之教學更有信心、更為生動、活潑且有趣,使幼保系科及幼兒園所科學之教學更有成效。


Three new style designs of creative scientific magic which are described in this paper for creative teaching with scientific games. Those new designs consist of plastic cups, paper cups, plastic cans and some small materials. Above 99% of 320 kindergarten teachers and above 97% of 517 students confirm these simple creative scientific magic which can be carried out easily and demonstrated or played interestingly. Without the difficulties in operation of these scientific magic for children, and the scientific games can be played conveniently in a classroom or at outdoor.
