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篇名 協助一位幼兒園在職進修教師課程轉型之行動研究
卷期 6
並列篇名 An Action Research of Assisting a Kindergarten In-service Education Teacher’s Curriculum Transformation
作者 胡倩瑜臧瑩卓
頁次 25-45
關鍵字 行動研究在職進修課程轉型in-service educationaction researchcurriculum transformation
出刊日期 200808


轉型歷程中各階段之現況進行省思。研究中使用研究者本身、協同研究者、訪談計畫表、研究省思札記、深度訪談錄音、檔案記錄等作為研究工具。資料蒐集時間從2006 年6 月起至2007 年12 月止。


In order to survey and prove the education effects of combining the education theses and practices in childcare, a study arranges to assist a kindergarten in-service education teacher proceeding curriculum transformation. To work in the authentic situation, that researchers can reality run this project to get early childhood professional knowledge and reflect from the curriculum transformation. The information was collected through the method of interview form, counseling notes, in-depth interview recordings and archival records. Data collect time was from June 2006 to December 2007, the results summarizes as follows:
1. In the start period: The subject obtained director’s supporting to planning classroom environment for finding problems from practical implementation. The researcher’s reflecting was offering appropriate support to increase subject’s confidence, therefore, the subject could continue in curriculum transformation.
2. In the developing period: The subject found children lacked self-independency and reflected the content appropriateness of all the learning centers, the teacher’s role, and the relationship between learning centers and topics. The researcher’sreflecting was to conduct lessons including actual example practices can help subject to develop a specialized field ability and change thinking, too.
3. In the mature period: The subject develop professional performance on responding to children appropriately and flexile rules. The researcher’sreflecting was offering subject appropriately suggestion timely to enhance subject’s proficient professional skills and lift up the specialized field ability on the scene.
According to the results, the researcher proposes suggestions in three aspects: kindergarten teachers,curriculum design in the Department of Child Care, and future researchers.
