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篇名 廣泛性失語症(Global Aphasia)的中西醫結合治療:病例報告
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 Combined treatment of Western and Chinese Medicine on Global Aphasia: a Case Study
作者 鐘茂旗黃偉師謝慶良
頁次 208-212
關鍵字 中西結合治療遄廣泛性失語症Global aphasiaCombined treatment of Western and Chinese Medicine
出刊日期 200809


一位50 歲有心房撲動病史之已婚男性,某日早上8 點左右,突發意識不清無法言語,經頭部顯影劑電腦斷層檢查懷疑左大腦動脈M1/2 分岔處有血栓性梗塞,而磁振造影檢查確定左側中大腦動脈區域梗塞。患者意識雖然正常,但是無法用語言溝通,只能比手劃腳,診斷為廣泛性失語症(Global aphasia),經中、西醫結合治療後,語言功能逐漸恢復後出院。


A 50 year-old married male patient with past history of atrial flutter suddenly suffered from consciousness disturbance and could not speak around 8:00 am. The thrombus infarct on the divergence of M1/2 of left middle cerebral artery was noted by contrast enhance computer tomography, and cerebral infarct on the territory of left middle cerebral artery was confirmed by magnet resonance image. Although the consciousness of the patient was alert, the conversation was not available and gesticulated communication was noted. Global aphasia was diagnosed. The ability of speech reverted after combined treatment of Western and Chinese medicine, and discharge was suggested.
