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篇名 停經症候群–耳鳴病例討論
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 Case Study of Tinnitus with Menopause Syndrome
作者 許恒壹秦佳鈴
頁次 252-255
關鍵字 停經症候群耳鳴更年期症候群Menopausal syndromestinnitus
出刊日期 200809




Menopause defines the transition period of weakened ovary function to no function for women. During this period, because of the decrease female hormone secreted by ovary, certain symptoms might appear: hot flash, palpitation, mood swing, skin atrophy and tinnitus. These symptoms can occur when ovary function starts to decrease (around 40 years old), so it doesn’t mean symptoms only occur when menstruation is stopped (around 50 to 51 years old on average) even though it’s called menopausal syndromes.
