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篇名 政治經濟學分析架構的三項發展
卷期 25
並列篇名 Three Developments of Analytic Frameworks in Political Economy
作者 黃宗昊
頁次 151-196
關鍵字 雙層賽局理性選擇制度論歷史制度論比較政治經濟學國際政治經濟學international political economy comparative political economy two-level gamehistorical institutionalismrational choice institutionalism
出刊日期 200901




Political economy, a popular research field in recent years, makes a
considerable progress in both methods and research frameworks. Through
observing the development of analytic frameworks, we can find that there are three trends of political economy. First of all, it moves from single-level analysis to cross-level analysis. The scholars are putting more and more emphasis on combining international and domestic dimension, for example, the idea of two-level game. Secondly, it transforms from case study on single system to comparative analysis on states, especially on the concept of “comparative institutional advantage.” Finally, it moves from simultaneous analysis to chronic analysis, where the core issue about how to deal with time and history has become a debatable ground between historical institutionalism and rational choice institutionalism. From these three developments, it is obvious that analytic frameworks in political economy has transformed from the static, single-level case studies into dynamic, comparative researches gradually. Furthermore, we can
construct a classification system of political economy; through this classification system, we identify the relative position in the research field, which enables us to find out further developing direction.
