
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 高職高技術創造力學生團隊之創造歷程
卷期 32:2
並列篇名 The Creation Process of the Vocational High School Students with High Technological Creativity
作者 吳明雄張可立張德正許碧珊
頁次 1-25
關鍵字 技術創造力vocational highteamcreation processtechnological creativity高職學生團隊創造歷程TSSCI
出刊日期 200906




The purpose of this study is to explore the creation process of the vocational high school students who have high technological creativity and operate in team base. The participants are the six teams of high school students who won the first three prizes in “National Technological Creativity Contest of Vocational High School Students.” The data were collected via a qualitative method, including observation, in-depth interviews and literature review. The study found that the creation process of high technological creativity teams was a five-step cycle. The five-step cycle included: (1) idea creation and motivation, (2) identification of subjects and concept designs, (3) thinking derivation and evaluation of optimization, (4) fabrication and experimental verification, (5) system integration and accomplishment of works. The knowledge-experience databases of all team members were linked and integrated through interaction and collaboration in the five-step cycle. It was constantly modified based on the learning results of the creation process and became a continuous and progressive team-based learning and creation process. The results of this study have pedagogical implications for the design of technological creativity education for vocational high school students.
