
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 共同學習法教學網站對國小學生造句能力之學習影響
卷期 32:2
並列篇名 The Impact of a Learning-Together Based Guided Website on Elementary Students’ Ability in Sentence Composition
作者 劉遠楨黃思華蕭維蒂
頁次 147-173
關鍵字 造句教學learningsentence construction共同學習法網路合作學習web-based cooperative learningTSSCI
出刊日期 200906




This study concentrates on the improvement of students’ sentence construction skills and their degree of satisfaction from using the sentence construction learning website, which is based on computer network, supported cooperative learning. Nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design was adopted in this research. Different sentence construction learning methods served as independent variables, while discussions focused on their effects on dependent variables, such as use of words and punctuation, wrong words, predicates, and rhetoric ability. After both the experiment group and the control group took the sentence construction pretest, the teacher divided the students into heterogeneous groups according to results of the assessment, and the groups started a sentence solitaire activity. This sentence construction learning website features computer network supported cooperative learning and learning together. The first student will unscramble the random phrases showed on the screen, which indicate different subjects and predicates, then construct a grammatically correct sentence. The next student will follow the instruction and add adjectives and adverbs to the sentence. The last student, based on the group’s previous work and instructions, will keep expanding the sentence and make it more complicated. In this research, students first learned sentence construction on the website, and then took a posttest after the lesson was over. The result indicated that after using the website, students in the experimental group showed significant improvement in use of words, use of words punctuation, adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors.
