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篇名 不同發育階段番木瓜果實採後呼吸及乙烯產生行為之探討
卷期 51:1
並列篇名 Postharvest Behavior of Respiration and Ethylene Production of Papaya Fruits (Carica papaya L.) Harvested at Different Developmental Stages
作者 蔡雅惠柯立祥
頁次 29-40
關鍵字 番木瓜成熟度乙烯產生率呼吸率果實個體發育Papaya maturityethylene productionrespiration ratefruit ontogeny
出刊日期 200503




A series of studies were conducted to elucidate the postharvest behavior of respiration and ethylene production of papaya fruits (Carica papaya L.) during growth and development. Fruits of three cultivars named‘Tanung No. 2’, ‘Sunrise’and‘TSS No.7’(a newly selected line of hermaphrodite papaya), were harvested at 30、60、90、105、120 and 130 days after hand pollination for measuring respiration rate and ethylene production at 20℃. Results showed that papaya fruits of three cultivars harvested at different developmental stages of ontogeny, all exhibited respiratory climacteric pattern and ethylene production also showed similar trend. However, the period to climacteric peak after harvest differed among different ages of fruits. The longest pre-climacteric period (about 14-16 days) was observed in fruits harvested at 90 days. While fruits harvested earlier or later showed shortened pre-climacteric period. The peak rate of respiratory and ethylene production increased as fruits harvedted earlier or later than 90 days. The peak of ethylene production occurred about 1-2 days after the respiratory climacteric. The concentration of CO2 and ethylene in fruit cavities of three papaya cultivars were not detectable before 105 days after pollination. CO2 and ethylene were clearly detected only until 120 days after pollination with internal ethylene concentration below 0.1ppm. The peak of internal CO2 and ethylene were found at 130-135 days after pollination and then declined with fruits more mature. The time of CO2 and ethylene emanation coincided with the rapid peel color breakage from green to yellowing. In different storage temperatures (5-25℃), fruits of‘Tainung NO.2’at different maturities exhibited typical climacteric pattern. The higher storage temperature the higher respiration rate. The time for climacteric rise of respiration and ethylene production were also shorter. In addition, the higher maturity of the fruits, the time for the peak of respiratory climacteric and ethylene production were earlier, and the rate at peak were higher with more mature fruits.
