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篇名 泡盛酒製造研究Ⅰ. Aspergillus awamori培麴條件之探討
卷期 51:1
並列篇名 Studies on Preparation of Awamori Rice WineⅠ. Research on Aspergillus awamori Incubating Condition
作者 張立人王子慶吳明昌楊淑宜
頁次 85-97
關鍵字 awamoriawamori-kojiblack aspergillus泡盛酒泡盛酒麴黑麴黴
出刊日期 200503


本文旨在研究探討以蓬來米為基質接種Aspergillus awamori之最適培麴條件。蓬來米經浸漬12小時後,於蒸煮前含水量可達32.5%,可使米較易蒸熟。培麴條件為溫度30℃、濕度90%,通氣培養2天,可得到最佳的澱粉.及蛋白.活性,分別為96U/mL、0.8U/mL。


The soaking of polished rice with water at 25 for 12 hours f℃acilitated the subsequent cooking of rice, the moisture content of swollen rice after soaking was 32.5%. The optimum condition for koji-making was as following: the cooked rice inoculating with Aspergillus awamori was incubated at 30, 90% RH, with ℃proper aeration for 2 days. The amylase and protease activity of rice-koji were 96 and 0.8 U/mL, respectively.
