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篇名 茄紅素、α-胡蘿蔔素與β-胡蘿蔔素高效液相層析法之建立
卷期 51:1
並列篇名 A High Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Determining Lycopene, α-Carotene and β-Carotene
作者 許世弦黃光亮黃阿賢黃子彬
頁次 99-108
關鍵字 高效液相層析β-胡蘿蔔素α-胡蘿蔔素茄紅素HPLCβ-caroteneα-carotenelycopene
出刊日期 200503




The aim of this study is to elucidate the effect of raito of acetonitrile and methanol on separating lycopene, α-carotene and β-carotene by HPLC with RP-C18 column. Results showed that the three carotenoids were separated by isocratic mobile phase, the higher methanol ratio of isocratic, the less analysis time and better separation effect of lycopene. In constrast, higer methanol ratio led to the lower separation effect of α-carotene and β-carotene. Eluention with acetonitrile and methanol binary gradient mobile phase showed a better consistency and recovery in this research.
