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篇名 全世界獼猴桃之生產現況
卷期 50:4
並列篇名 The Current Situation of Kiwifruit Production in the World
作者 周慧娜倪正柱
頁次 375-383
關鍵字 T- bar棚架栽培闊葉獼猴桃臺灣羊桃T- barpergolaActinidia setosaA. latifolia
出刊日期 200412


目前主要栽培獼猴桃的國家有中國、紐西蘭、美國、義大利、日本、法國、澳大利亞、希臘及智利等,紐西蘭是全世界獼猴桃生產及外銷上的領導者。紐西蘭於1997年的栽種面積為10,329公頃至2001年為11,533公頃,1997年的產量為245,000噸而2001年增加為270,702噸。栽培獼猴桃最主要的限制因子是溫度。獼猴桃果園可使用防風林來避免受風害,但是靠近防風林處會因遮蔭而減少產量。商業化的獼猴桃栽培最主要棚架為T- bar及棚架栽培方式。目前開始流行商業品種為黃色果肉且甜味佳,於全世界市場上很快受到歡迎。臺灣之獼猴桃必需栽種於高海拔,但是常常與梅雨季節重疊而使得影響授粉,可利用人工授粉、早期開花品種的臺灣羊桃或晚期開花品種的闊葉獼猴桃來解決此問題。


Kiwifruit is grown commercially in New Zealand, United States, Italy, Japan, France, Australia, Greece, Chile and China. New Zealand is the world’s leading producer and exporter. New Zealand planted of kiwifruit from 10,329 ha in 1997 to 11,533 ha in 2001; production in 1997 was estimated to be 245,000 ton (t), and in 2001 was 270,702 t. The single limiting factor for kiwifruit production is temperature. The shelterbelts used in orchards to reduce wind damage and reduce yield on those vines nearest the shelter. Two main types of support structures or trellises are used in commercial kiwifruit production: T- bar and the pergola. Some yellow fleshed cultivars soon to be released on the world market, sweeter fruit, a selection and hybrid cross of A. chinensis. The anthensis of A. deliciosa growing in Taiwanese highland is always coincide with the continuous rainings in late spring. Artificial pollination, A. setosa of early- blooming specy and A. latifolia of late- blooming specy have been used to verify the critical factor of continuous rainings in late spring, for fruit set of A. deliciosa at 2000 m altitude at Taiwan.
